How a £850k Business Was Turned Around by Fixing The Stock Problem [...]
Customers paying on time is essential for maintaining healthy cash flow in [...]
How an Electronics Wholesaler Saved £250,000 a Year by Fixing a Hidden [...]
There are many way you can give payslips to your staff, so [...]
This is the number one question I’m being asked by businesses as [...]
You can't fail to have heard all the hype about the long [...]
Every limited company in the UK must have a registered office address. [...]
You can't fail to have heard all the hype about the long [...]
I listened to a recording recently of Sir David Brailsford. He was [...]
I know its not totally easy out their at the moment but [...]
In my experience, business scorecards are widely misunderstood and, as a result, [...]
Do you find you just don’t get stuff done…you feel frustrated as [...]
Are you a QuickBooks (QBO) user who is manually inputting your purchase [...]
13 of what I believe are the most common tax-free benefits and [...]
In this article we discuss what are the main causes of cashflow [...]
From 1st April 2023 the new corporation tax rules mean there will [...]
Increasing prices is one task that lots of business owners dread. They [...]
In the run up to Christmas many business owners like to treat [...]
So how do you make meaningful progress in 23……. Read on to [...]
Life for business owners, having survived the Covid19 pandemic, is unlikely to [...]
This article discusses the most efficient way of putting money into a [...]
Kim and Eleanor went on a ladies networking event...find out how Eleanor [...]
As a business we entered the 9th Annual National Entrepreneur Awards some [...]
In this article I will answer one of the most common questions [...]
This article discusses the tax savings limited companies can make by having [...]
7 simple strategies that any business owner can use to bring in [...]
Your business credit score is important if you ever need to borrow [...]
Customer loyalty schemes have become increasingly common in recent years. Have you [...]
In this case study we discuss what decision the owner of this [...]
I often see people discounting their prices to get more sales. Before [...]
Pricing is the single most important thing which effects the amount of [...]
Cashflow is often the single hardest issue with growing business. We look [...]
In this article we discuss what tax you have to pay on [...]
In this article we discuss Dext (formerly called Receiptbank) software. What it [...]
In this article we talk about how to set up QuickBooks Online [...]
In this article we talk about employing a family member. What the [...]
Cashflow is the life blood of businesses without it you won't survive. [...]
In this post we talk about the warning signs that your sales [...]
Are you looking at changing accountants? Have you ever thought 'what factors [...]
In this video Kim Marlor from Krystal Clear discusses what type of [...]
Have you heard of the Corporation Tax Super Deduction that could potentially [...]
Are you a business owner looking to increase your profits? If you [...]
The truth is many directors of a small business don’t actually understand [...]
Are you thinking about changing accountants but don't know the difference between [...]
Are you thinking of changing accountants? Have you asked yourself 'how do [...]
Do you know what a cashflow statement is? More importantly do you [...]
As a small business owner have you ever asked the question... What [...]
Do you know what management accounts are and why they are different [...]
Have you ever thought to yourself 'how easy is it for me [...]
It's vital for any business owner to choose the right accountant for [...]
There's no 2 ways about it VAT is complicated... any errors could [...]
Have you ever wondered 'How much should I spend on marketing?'... In [...]
When setting up any accounting software, such as Xero, it's absolutely imperative [...]
As a business owner it's vital you can read and understand your [...]
Have you ever wondered to yourself what's the difference between an accountant [...]
Does your limited company qualify for R&D? More importantly, do you know [...]
In this article we cover off some areas to look at in [...]
In this video we look at all the factors to consider when [...]
What does the Spring Statement 2022 mean for you and your business? [...]
Do you know how to read and understand your financial statements? Around [...]
Have you ever thought to yourself, what is cloud accounting? In this [...]
With Quickbooks and Xero being two of the most popular options for [...]
With electric cars becoming more popular have you thought about buying one? [...]
Mike Smith was fed up with his business working long hours for [...]
Do you have a great idea for business but are unsure on [...]
Do you often wonder how can I have more than 24 hours [...]
I bet you never thought about what skiing and running a business [...]
In this blog we try to uncover what strategies and tools Debra [...]
How often have you heard the People with Significant Control Register or [...]
Do you use Xero? Do you feel you’re not using it to [...]
Did you know writing and executing a successful business plan can increase [...]
As a result of Covid-19 and what happened to businesses, maximising your [...]
Do you struggle mentally with putting up your prices? Well you are [...]
In this article Kim talks about why reducing your prices is not [...]
How often do you look at the bigger picture? Did you know [...]
In this article Kim talks about Management Accounts, what they are and [...]
In this article we discus some what you might want to give [...]
Do you really know with certainty how your business is performing? Do [...]