Well, it feels a bit like Deja Vue……………..
I don’t know about you, but I try to avoid the news and TV as much as possible as it is soooo negative.
Apparently, today we’ve got the biggest day of strike action in decades…school’s closed, railways shut down, civil service at a standstill…more threats of strike action by the health service, fire service….and the list goes on…it’s being blamed on the cost of living and the other side say they can’t increase pay due to the inflation risk……who do you believe….
We can’t control what is happening out there in the UK , USA or around the rest of the world…but we can control our thinking, emotion, wellbeing, mental health and that might be by switching off the TV, not exposing ourselves to the media (well the doom and gloom merchants anyway) and locking ourselves away with positives influences and positive people and thinking deeply about what can we do in our businesses.
80% of UK businesses do not have a plan……they just drift….they make all the excuses
- It’s the cost of living crisis
- It’s the strikes
- It’s the war in Ukraine
- Nobody has money everyone is struggling
- Everyone is going out of business
- It’s alright for you…but that won’t work for me…
Now I’m not going to say this year won’t have its challenges, clearly it will, but there are things you can do. You can:-
- Think about your business and who your ideal customer is (perhaps this needs to change currently if your target market is more affected)
- Think about your products and services…is there another product you can offer that a more affluent part of the community will buy
- Have Krystal Clear Clarity on your numbers – what can you afford to spend to get a customer – clue….it’s not he who goes cheapest wins here….
- Know the important numbers to monitor in your business – what is your breakeven – as everything you sell at the same business model over breakeven flows straight down to the bottom line
- Have a plan and a marketing plan and execute it…again 80% of business owners don’t really do any marketing….they leave it to chance and hope people find them…that’s not going to work in 23
So grab a cup of coffee, find a quiet space, grab a pad and brainstorm. Put a plan together and work out what you need to deliver every month during 2023 to thrive not just survive.
If you need help planning, drop us an email to [email protected] and we can talk you through how we work with clients pulling models and plans together so YOU ARE NOT LEAVING ANYTHING TO CHANCE.
Ignore the noise and go make it happen…2023 will be a good or great year for those business owners who think differently and ignore what they are being fed by the media.
If you are still not convinced look at the FTSE 100 stock market index…..yes its had its ups and downs but the overall trend is upwards!!!