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How do you build a successful & sustainable business ?

If you listen to media right now, you’d be forgiven, thinking you are doomed…there’s no chance of any meaningful growth this year…..and that’s if you are lucky…..

I’m fed up of being talked into a recession….fed up of all the doom and gloom and it’s my mission to be a positive influence to our customers, suppliers and local community. 

So how do you make meaningful progress in 23…….

It is quite simple on one hand…….it’s all about your BEHAVIOUR……how you THINK and what you do in other words the ACTIONS you take..

So let’s jump right in….

Most business owners in the UK are so busy doing the do, stuck in the weeds they never come up for air and create time in their business to think.  The classic saying you have probably heard is WORKING ON NOT IN THE BUSINESS.

The businesses who will get ahead and thrive in 23 will:-

  • THINK more deeply than their competition
  • THINK more accurately
  • THINK more honestly………than most people ever think…

BUT YOU NEED TO SET ASIDE TIME TO DO THIS …..or you’ll just get caught up in the day to day…

Your success is all down to your behaviour….you can either skim read this or delete it as irrelevant or think about the message and maybe spend a little bit of time pondering…..and improving your business.

REMEMBER: we judge others by their behaviours

….and ourselves by our intentions.

I’ve just spent 2 days out of my business thinking…planning and now implementing… isn’t what YOU KNOW it’s about WHAT you IMPLEMENT!

So the first thing to note is….successful professional business owners think deeply about what is required to build a successful business that delivers what THEY want on their TERMS….

When was the last time you sat down and listed what you wanted from your business in terms of personal money, time , enjoyment, resources and what the business needs to deliver in terms of your sanity….what you are prepared to put in and put up with.  Again it’s about thinking deeply about whats important to you……

After all, a Truly successful business should provide the income to support the lifestyle you want and the discretionary time to enjoy it…..

In our business we have signature system which helps clients to “MAP IT”, “SORT IT”, “SCORE IT” and “SUPPORT IT” .  This first step comes under MAP IT….where are you now, where do you want to be…let’s get Krystal Clear clarity on the destination.

If you’d like help with this drop an email to and we’ll be in touch very soon.



It is important that you take professional advice before making any decisions based on the information that you learnt here. While every effort has been made to make sure it is accurate it cannot be precisely tailored to your personal circumstances. This article is for general information only and no action should be taken, or refrained from, as a result of this information.  Professional advice should be taken based on specific circumstances in each individual case.  Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the information contained in the article is correct, no liability will be accepted by Krystal Clear Accounting which is a trading name of Kim Marlor Associates Ltd or damages of any kind arising from the contents of this communication, or for any action, inaction or decision taken as a result of using any such information.

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